16 Dec

Pandora’s Matryoshkas


Beautiful women, ugly mistakes and all hell is about to break loose. The reality is twisted and the devil is back in Moscow. This great American novel is a psychological thriller about a post-911 family tragedy. Above all, it deals with the lie of the century.

The Brewers are a ‘normal’ middle-class family living in Brooklyn. Chris, a conventional man with a good job, is married to Helen, a flamboyant and ambitious businesswoman. Lisa, their only daughter, longs for her mother’s attention, whilst worrying that she just might be invisible to her. This ambivalence leaves Lisa pondering – Why do we always end up deceived? Her thoughts are dark, exciting, mysterious and make you think.

16 Dec

Pandora’s Matryoshkas




Chris feels like the first man on the moon. Here I go Neil, shoots through his head, as he traverses a few stones, and lands with one foot on the fourth stone. Every step he takes seems different than home. Bigger, more surreal. Is it because of the geometric conditions of the gigantic square, or might it be the pavement? The stones have a diameter of about eight inches, and curve up at the center. Good for soldiers’ boots, but not very suitable for high heels.

He has no idea where his strange mood has come from, but he doesn’t rule out the possibility that it’s because of the beautiful woman next to him.

“I like to come here, but it’s hard to walk in high heels on these stones,” says Anastasia when she sees him jumping around like a schoolboy. “Even I have some difficulty with it. Not particularly friendly for women, right?”

Excerpt from PANDORA’S MATRYOSHKAS – A Dominating Experience; The Devil Is Back in Moscow. Psychological Thriller / Political Satire, 320-page novel. (c) 2015. Ferdy S.G. Dumel – RAGE Marketing Publishers.

16 Dec



KOLOMENSKOYE is one of the most ancient places of human habitation within modernMoscow. Archaeological items discovered in its vicinity witness Stone Age (V-III millennium B.C.) settlements once existing here. On the picture: Church of the Ascension (1532). Find out what big secret is hidden at this place. Read our novel, now! – COCO, ZHENESHKA, SAVANNA

16 Dec

Plato’s Analogy or Putin’s Cave?


Plato’s Analogy or Putin’s Cave?

Imagine several prisoners who have been chained up in a cave for all of their lives. They have never been outside the cave. They face a wall in the cave and they can never look at the entrance of the cave. Sometimes animals, birds, people, or other objects pass by the entrance of the cave casting a shadow on the wall inside the cave. The prisoners see the shadows on the wall and mistakenly view the shadows as reality.

However, one man breaks free from his chains and runs out of the cave. For the first time, he sees the real world and now knows that it is far beyond the shadows he had been seeing. He sees real birds and animals, not just shadows of birds and animals. This man is excited about what he sees and he goes back to his fellow prisoners in the cave to tell them about the real world. But to his astonishment, they don’t believe him. In fact, they are angry with him. They say the shadows are reality and that the escaped prisoner is crazy for saying otherwise.

16 Dec

Woman flying a helicopter


How do I get inspired? And how does one become a bestseller author? Well, I’ve read some books, followed the news of the world (very tedious) and gave some years of my life. Others might say, I’ve dedicated myself to my muse. Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, isn’t it? For once, like other pictures, the picture inspired me to while writing Pandora’s matryoshkas.

27 Jan

Odessa’s burgers, icicles and riffraff


On the street, in front of his burger joint, Stanislav Vetov blows in his hands, he can barely keep warm. It’s at least fifteen degrees C below zero in Odesa, the famous port city on the Black Sea. Such low temperatures they’d almost forgotten. In recent years it hasn’t been as cold as now. “Probably this cold also depends on our president,” he tells me. While a colleague of his is looking at his back, Stanislav’s face doesn’t betray any emotion; among each other, they prefer not to talk about politics.

But if you switch to one of the many local TV channels, you can see that the media are filled with news about the conflict in the Eastern part of Ukraine. Just with the shelling of a minibus, some days ago, twelve people were killed. The battle between regular troops and separatists has been raging on for nearly two years. So far, according to official figures, six thousand people have been killed. A million people have fled the violence, their homes or their remains have been left behind. At various places in Odesa shelter refugees from Donetsk, a city of millions five hundred kilometres to the east.

Under appalling conditions, two hundred of them are brought together in a dilapidated, residential flat in Ostrovskogo. In the very first room hangs a penetrant smell, somewhere holding middle between the odours at a trailer camp of Gypsies and the daycare of The Salvation Army, early morning when the homeless are just getting out of bed. There’s far too little place to sleep and people are resting in shifts; per room are seven, eight people laying on top of each other. On mattresses, sofas or on the floor, everywhere are people sleeping.

Natalia Petrova and Larisa Taranova are sitting in the communal kitchen at the end of the corridor. The agony of recent events lies deeply etched on the women’s faces. In the battle of Donetsk both of them have lost a son. With an empty gaze, knowing that their old life will never return, they’ve stayed behind with the knowledge that nothing has meaning anymore.

Stanislav bakes a burger. “We bought the best meat in town, but there are no customers. It’s far too cold outside, besides no one has any money.” The residents of Odessa are fed up with the conflict in the east of the country. In the political polls, major politicians have, like the temperature, fallen far below zero. “The social protest over a year ago has been hijacked, and ‘they’ have organized a political revolution in Kyiv,” he explains.

After the euphoria of Maidan two years ago, the atmosphere in Southeast Ukraine has changed. Since the gruesome killings in Odessa on the second of May last year, on which occasion about eighty people got brutally slaughtered by strangers, the upper layer of society is startled. The bourgeoisie is terrified. There are more than enough weapons in circulation to burn the whole city to the ground.

“Yes, we’re still baking burgers,” says Stanislav, “but I actually don’t know why. The national currency has plummeted, it has decreased three times since a year back. I know many businessmen who don’t earn a penny.” The freezing temperature, fear and hunger have their effect on the population. There’s ground for discontent.

“When the men return from the front, there’ll be a third Maidan,” implores Stanislav. Opportunistic, European politicians like the Swede Carl Bildt and the Pole Donald Tusk have set Ukraine over two years ago up against Russia. Still, by now the situation in Ukraine starts to look like a dangerous game of Russian roulette. In the current situation, earlier, gross miscalculations seem to play a significant role.

A year ago Mr P broke a lance on Russian television: “Dying with Putin”. Ideologically, they’re ready in the Kremlin. The relationship with the Ukrainian neighbour can be simply characterized by a Russian joke: “What’s by far the most difficult language in the world?” Russians show little respect for their Ukrainian brother. “Ukrainian!” is the answer. “Half of their population doesn’t even speak that language.”

This meagre joke clearly shows the love-hate relationship between the two nations. Russia doesn’t regard Ukraine as its equivalent. And who knows that maybe, given the bad situation in Ukraine, the office of the Secret Service in Moscow is running down the scenario on a Lumpenproletariat.

Stanislav flips a burnt hamburger and asks me: “Do you know when the geopolitical conflict between America and Russia will come to an end?” I shake my head. “On the day the last Ukrainian gets killed,” he says wryly.